Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tekken 6 Review

Tekken 6 in the latest installment in the long-running Tekken franchise. While many characters return, and some new combatants enter the fray, the biggest changes to Tekken this time around are in the gameplay. Tekken's long established fighting mechanics which boast nearly 150 moves per player has been completely overhauled with new moves, blocks, parries, multi-level movements and an all-new juggling system, as well as a rage system which gives characters a last burst of strength when they are near death, much like an adreneline rush as to make it more realistic.

Since this is Tekken's first installment on the Playstation 3, the graphics engine has been redone to be on par with the next generation consoles. Character detail is quite high and environments, for the most parts, look good. There are, however, some low resolution textures and aliasing which get in the way of an otherwise solid looking game. Moves look fluid and sound, while minimal and containing often irritating music, works to increase the impact of each strike.

Feng vs. Hwoarang

The game is feature packed with a bonus Tekken force-like mode which serves as a story mode. This mode alone provides as much gameplay as some full games measuring in at about 6 hours on your first play through.

However, the news is not all good. Many of the new characters feel cheap and overpowered, and alternate key mapping on the 2nd controller cannot be saved. Also, on the Playstation 3 version, loading times can run up to 45 seconds unless the user installs the game to the hard drive.

Lili - new character

Overall, Tekken 6 is a good installment to the franchise with a few technical issues hampering the game from being great.


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